Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Lose 48 Pounds In 1 One Month Without Doing a Single Minute of Exercise

Can You Really Lose 48 Pounds In 1 One Month Without Doing a Single Minute of Workouts?

Introducing The Beverly Hills Diet

There's nothing like another fast weight loss-fad diet combining severe calorie-restriction, fast weight loss, and the cachet of Hollywood to make otherwise smart folks gamble with their health. While the Beverly Hills Diet can be a very effective detoxification tool, it shouldn't be considered  a safe way to shed pounds.
The Beverly Hills Diet is a weight loss regimen created  by author Judy Mazel (1943–2007) in her 1981 bestseller, The Beverly Hills Diet. The six-week long program, which begins with 10 days of fruit consupmtion exclusively, has been the target of criticism from the medical community.
Judy Mazel has always been a victim of weight problems  since her early age. No doctor has been able to make her lose weight. For 20 years, she struggled with her weight  and finally being told by a doctor that  it was meant to be and stay big.
Six months after the event, during a ski holiday, she broke her leg. During her convalescence, she began to read a book on nutrition lent by a friend. and based on the reading and knowledge she acquired  she began  to implement a weight loss plan.. Under her program, she was able to trim down from a weight of 180 pounds (82 kg) to 108 pounds (49 kg), . After completing development of the program and returning to Los Angeles, she opened a weight-loss clinic whose clients included a number of Hollywood celebrities.
The Beverly Hills Diet is is very restrictive and provides less than 1000 calories per day This is a regimen that lasts six weeks and begins with 10 days of exclusive consumption of fruits. Recommended fruits are those who have a reputation for burning fat fand are rather exotic .
The diet is predicated on the enzymatic actions of foods in the digestive process, and controlled weight by controlling when foods were eaten and in what combinations. The plan begins with the consumption of a series of specified fruits in a designated order for the initial ten days of the program. On Days 11 to 18, the dieter can add bread, two tablespoons of butter and three cobs of corn. Sources of complete protein, such as steak or lobster, cannot be consumed until Day 19 of the plan.
In nutshell The Beverly Hills diet is based on a theory that the body needs the enzymes found in certain foods in order to digest the food properly. The author believes that when food isn’t digested, it turns to body fat. A strange belief because the body cannot metabolize the food until it has first been digested!

The Beverely Hills Diets is it  safe?

It is quite normal to ask this question because the Beverly Hills diet is not without deleterious effects.
In 1981, an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association criticized the diet, noting significant inaccuracies that could result in physical harm to those following the regimen. The report, written by Dr. Gabe Mirkin of the University of Maryland, College Park and Dr. Ronald Shore of Johns Hopkins University, pointed out that there was no evidence supporting the scientific validity of the program and that it stood in opposition to established knowledge in the medical profession about nutrition, calling it "the latest, and perhaps the worst, entry in the diet-fad derby".The doctors were critical of the diet's claim that weight gain results from undigested food that is stuck in the body. The article expressed concerns about the combination of large amounts of fruit with little salt, noting that significant water loss from diarrhea could produce fever, muscle weakness, and a rapid pulse, and that blood pressure could drop low enough to cause DEATH!
Final Words :
The Beverly Hills diet Plan is no doubt an effective detoxification tool, and can help you shed some pounds in a short period of time,but in the long run you should absolutely avoid such a restrictive fast weight loss plan because of the serious health complications that can lead to. 
This type of  fast weight loss diet or derived versions such as grapefruit or pineapple diet can lead to eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. These include adolescents who may be influenced by many American celebrities who adopt and advocate extreme thinness through Pro Ana attitude . 
Terms Of Search :
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