Friday, March 29, 2013

4 Quick Tips To Drop Weight For Spring Break!

   Four Quick Tips For Getting In Shape For Spring

As the winter months have progressed, if you're like most folks you've gained few more pounds than you'd care to admit.  It's not difficult to let our good manners slide during the colder season as we're turning to warm foods for comfort and can easily hide any excess weight gain under layers of clothing.
But as spring draws near, if the thought of donning a pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt is making you feel slightly anxious, don't dwell on the fact that you've gained some pounds, but instead take action and start doing something to melt the fat so you can look your best yet.
4 Quick ways to lose weight for spring break
With the following four quick tips, you can easily get in top shape by spring and be fully ready to shed those winter layers and uncover a body you're proud of.

Tip 1 :Be 'Everyday' More Active 

The very first thing that you should be doing to get yourself into shape quickly is to start trying to be more active on a daily basis.  Think exercise away from the gym.  Remember, you don't necessarily have to be running on the treadmill or working away on the elliptical machine to burn calories.
Every movement you do throughout the 24 hours will be helping you burn off calories and this will really add up over time.  Many individuals are often surprised to hear that their daily activities can in fact burn more fat than their gym workouts.
So go window shopping with a friend rather than going for coffee or get out and do some yard work rather than sitting inside watching another re-run.  If you can find little ways to get more active every day, it will pay off in pounds lost over the course of the month.

Tip 2 : Commit To Strength Training Routine

Second, if you want to get a shapely body, there's no better way to do this than performing a strength training routine.  Strength training is going to help you improve your body shape, add more muscle definition,increase muscle strenght, also helps to maintain peak bone mass and avoid the onset of osteoporosis and thus improve the bone health. and more importantly, boost your metabolic rate:Muscle tissue is metabolically active and the more of it you have the more calories you will burn - even at rest! Making losing and maintaining a healthy weight much easier.

Tip 3 :Lower Your Stress Levels 

Next: Lowering the stress level is often gets overlooked in the fat loss equation .  Stress is something that may have a very negative impact on body fat loss progress because it's going to increase a hormone called cortisol in the body and this will actually lead to stomach fat accumulation. Cortisol will also increase the risk that you begin breaking down your muscle tissue, and it's that muscle that's responsible for maintaining that elevated metabolic rate.
A recent research article published in the "American Journal of Epidemiology" studied whether various types and levels of psychosocial stressors were associated with an increase in body mass index (BMI) among adult men and women. Researchers found that stress related to work, personal relationships and finances (controlling for other factors) were independently associated with weight gain. A June 2006 article featured in "The International Journal of Obesity" examined if work stress induced weight loss in lean individuals and weight gain in overweight individuals (more than 5,500 male British civil servants). The leanest individuals at baseline (BMI less than 22 kg/m2) with high job stress and low job control lost weight by follow-up, while the heaviest individuals at baseline (BMI greater than 27 kg/m2) gained weight at follow-up. This supports the theory that those already overweight are more susceptible to stress-induced weight gain.
Whether it's taking a hot bath, reading a good Magazine, or participating in a karaté class, You must do something to get your stress levels under control.

Tip 4 : Up Your Vegetables & fruits Intake 

High levels of fruits, vegetables, greens and beans help you lose weight because they are low in calories, high in volume and high in critically important nutrients. On a very practical level they fill you up, without loading you up with fat and calories. And when your stomach is filled up with high volume, low calorie food, there is less room for other bad stuff.  Fill your plate up with half vegetables at each meal and watch the results take place.
So there you have four quick tips to get in shape for spring. If you start now, you will never be able to tell that you were once hiding those extra pounds under your winter layers.

Tags :
How Can I lose Weight,ways to lose weight,best weight loss,weight loss plan,weight loss food,quick weight loss,weight loss for women,weight loss diet,diet plan to lose weight,weight loss meals,diets for weight loss,fastest weight loss,weight loss tips,weight loss recipes,diets to lose weight,healthy weight loss,rapid weight loss,easy weight loss,Weight Loss (Symptom),ali vincent biggets loser,how to lose weight for spring,tips to lose pounds by spring


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