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Weight Loss Science Blog :a Guaranteed Scientific Approach To Lose Weight Safely and Quickly

Weight Loss Science Blog

Weight Loss Science Blog :a Guaranteed Scientific Approach To Lose Weight Safely and Quickly

Weight Loss Science Blog

Weight Loss Science Blog :a Guaranteed Scientific Approach To Lose Weight Safely and Quickly

Weight Loss Science Blog

Weight Loss Science Blog :a Guaranteed Scientific Approach To Lose Weight Safely and Quickly

Weight Loss Science Blog

Weight Loss Science Blog :a Guaranteed Scientific Approach To Lose Weight Safely and Quickly

Friday, October 11, 2013

An Important Distinction That You Must Understand

While this book is talking about losing weight, I want to be more specific than this, because I am really talking about losing fat rather than just weight.
As I mentioned earlier, it is possible to be overweight but to have a very low fat to body weight ratio at the same time, because you are carrying a great deal of muscle. In other words, it is possible to be healthy but weigh more than the ‘norm’.
There is a common myth that muscle weighs more than fat, but it doesn’t. Five pounds of muscle weighs exactly the same as five pounds of fat, but fat is far bulkier than muscle as you can see from these replica models:
Because fat is bulkier, if you are carrying too much fat, you will tend to look ‘lumpy’ and carrying too much fat brings increased risks to your general health and well being.
So, be clear about this. This book is about losing fat naturally, but if you want to replace that fat with muscle, that is fine - because what I am essentially focused on here is your health, well being and fitness.
It’s all about shedding fat, getting you as lean, fit and well as possible.
That point having been clarified, let’s move on.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Natural Weight Loss is a REALLY simple concept

The concept that underpins weight loss or indeed weight gain is a
very simple one.
Every human being at every stage of their life needs to take in a certain amount of energy in order to get through the day. This energy comes from the nutrition that we take in, in the form of the food we eat or the liquids we drink, and is generally measured in terms of calories or kilocalories. There is a slight difference between the specific meaning accorded to these two terms, with the latter being favored by professional nutritionists, but for the purposes of this post, I am going to use calories as an all-encompassing unit of food energy.
While every individual is different, you need a certain amount of food energy calories every day to satisfy your own personal energy requirements. These requirements will vary according to the amount of physical work you do, how much exercise you take, the speed at which your body burns the energy you are taking on board (your metabolic rate) and your general lifestyle.
However, at the end of the day, if you take on board the right amount of calories every day, your weight will stay stable and you will in general remain healthy.
If you take in too much energy, you will put weight on, but if you take in too little, you will see the opposite effect and lose weight.
It really is as straightforward as this.
You will see diet plans that recommend that you must cut down on your carbohydrates in order to lose weight, with other diet ‘experts’ on the opposite side of the fence who swear that the only way to lose weight is to reduce the amount of fats in your diet.
However, no matter what type of food you are eating for energy (which includes both carbohydrates and fats), you are going to keep getting fatter as long as you are taking in more energy than you burning. Thus, you will only lose weight if you are taking in less energy than you need.
That really is it. That is how you lose weight naturally – you ingest less energy than you need every day, and the fat will gradually fall off.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

What is The Difference Between Overweight And Obese?

When someone is overweight, their weight exceeds the normal
standards for people of their height and age. However, because everyone’s weight must include their bones, muscles, fat and water content, it is possible for someone to be overweight without being obese. For example, a professional athlete or bodybuilder may well be overweight, but because the majority of the ‘excess’ weight that they are carrying is muscle tissue, they are not obese. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases, being overweight does equate to carrying too much body fat and often progresses to become clinical obesity. There are several ways of defining obesity, but the most common is by reference to what is known as ‘Body Mass Index’ (BMI) which is a mathematical formula that generates a numerical BMI based on an individual’s weight in kilograms divided by their height in meters squared. Hence, the mathematical formula for BMI is kg/m2. These figures can be converted into imperial measures (pounds and inches), but because the formula for doing so is somewhat complex, you should use this easy ready calculator taken from the consumer.gov statistics page to calculate your own ‘Body Mass Index’:
So, now you have a BMI figure, what does it mean? From the same web site, you can see the relationship between your clinical weight classification and the risk of weight related illnesses and disease:

The most common way of quantifying whether someone is obese or not is if their BMI is in excess of 30 points on these scales.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Simple Steps to Boost Your Metabolism and Burn More Fat Fast!

Simple Steps To Boost Your Metabolism And Burn More Fat Fast

Do You Hate dieting? You're not alone.  If there's one thing most people dread more than anything, cutting calories is it.
But, if you are really eager to shed  pounds and tone up your body, you know that you must consume fewer calories each day than you burn off.  Now, rather than focusing on continually decreasing your calorie intake, how about you focus on the other element of that equation – increasing your daily output?
This is a far more effective and enjoyable way to lose weight and if you go about it in the right manner, will produce superior results as well.   If you use the follow simple tips you can quickly boost up your metabolic rate, which is what dictates how many calories you body burns off daily.
Get it revved up to very high levels and you'll be able to eat more food and still see the weight loss you desire.
If that sounds interesting, pay attention to the following Tips and tricks.

Eat More Protein 

The very first thing that you should do if you want to boost up your metabolism instantly is to eat more protein.  Many girls unfortunately never consume enough protein with their weight loss diet and this really causes them to notice a decline in results.
For every 100 calories worth of protein rich food that you eat, your body will actually only 'net' about 75 of those calories.  If you were to take in those same 100 calories worth of carbs or dietary fats however, you would net at total of 94 or 98 of those calories.  Are you Seeing the difference?
By eating protein rich foods more often you're essentially boosting your metabolic rate by 25% so this is a very fast and effective way to lose fat faster.

Perform High Intensity Exercise 

Second, the next thing that you should do to ramp up your metabolism is to perform higher intensity exercise.  The great thing about high intensity exercise is not only is it going to whip you into shape faster, but it'll dramatically reduce the time you have to spend in the gym as well.
If you're doing a high intensity workout, whether it's with your cardio training or your weight lifting workout session, you can get in and out of the gym in as little as 20-25 minutes.  For anyone with a busy schedule, this is definitely the best choice ever!
What's more is that after that high intensity workout, your metabolism will stay elevated for up to 48 hours.  This means you'll be burning more fat even when you are sleeping!

Use An Appropriate Metabolic Increasing Supplement 

The third way to increase your metabolism is to consider an effective supplement that works to stimulate the metabolism so you burn more calories at all times.  Raspberry Ketones is one example of a proven supplement that can speed the rate of weight loss, while also providing you with more energy.
Remember that supplements should always be used with a proper fat burning diet and workout program, but when you do pair the three together, you simply will not beat the fat loss results that take place.
So there you have three of the top ways to increase how many calories your body burns on a daily basis so you don't have to succumb to food portions so small they wouldn't feed a four year old. If you can adopt this side of the weight loss equation instead, you're going to find the process of weight loss that much more manageable and may actually enjoy it!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

4 Secrets Rules To Lose Weight Eating More

 4 Secrets Rules To Lose weight eating More 

Are You Eager to start losing 8-10 pounds smoothly  in the first month without "miracles," low calorie diets, multivitamin, high protein, and especially hyper stressful diet plans? So eat better to restore the optimal functioning of the digestive glands and fight from within against fat storage.

Secret # 1: Eat 4 times a day

The Eating Rhythm you adopt during the day is of paramount importance. You Imperatively must take four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner. you will therefore consume and eliminate optimally and physiologically and avoid weight gain. The timing of meals does not matter, it depends on your lifestyle. But it is important to space meals -with a three hours interval-, the time of the "mechanical" digestion. Snacking is strictly prohibited. Adopt a solar  four spaced meals rhythm will help you restore the proper functioning of the digestive glands and this is  considered 50% of weight loss process  .

Secret # 2: Eat the right amount

You must learn to listen to our appetite" inner voice" that dictates to stop eating when you are full,and the best practice you can do is to keep a hint of hunger ,you must diversify your alimentation on a daily basis in order to assimilate all the nutrients your body needs

Secret # 3: The quality of food

We can never say it enough: water is essential to your body. Drinking water, 1.5 liters of water  a day, contributes to our well-being. Everything is good to eat, according to certain rules:
Animal food proteins are mainly represented by eggs, meats, fish and seafood, they are not fattening if eaten during meals and in good quantity.
Contrary to popular belief, natural fats (olive oil, milk, butter and cheese) are not fattening. These natural fats are an integral part of our diet, but must be consumed in the right amount. It therefore should not be abused. If you do not like olive oil, canola oil comes second,  palm oil and sunflower oil.
The carbohydrates
They are found mainly in fruits, vegetables, honey, beverages, in many manufactured products such as bread, pasta.. an d it's better to stop consuming sugar  (white and brown) and use instead another natural sweetener: honey. "Good sugars" (natural sugars and carbohydrates) are present in the pasta, bread, potatoes, vegetables, fruits. Pasta alone constitute a sufficiently rich food. So needless to associate it (pasta)  in the same plate or the same meal to protein (eggs, meat, fish).

Secret # 4: A good organization

-Eating breakfast will help you refuel after a long night's sleep and start your day with more energy. Don't ruin your breakfast with high-fat and high-calorie foods. Choose some protein and fiber for your breakfast and it's a good time to eat some fresh fruit (I've also got more easy breakfast ideas):
One serving of oatmeal.
One-half cup strawberries.
A tablespoon or two chopped nuts.
A glass of orange juice.
A mid-morning snack is totally optional. If you eat a larger breakfast you may not feel hungry until lunchtime. However, if you're feeling a bit hungry and lunch is still two or three hours away, a light mid-morning snack will tide you over without adding a lot of calories:
One serving of plain yogurt mixed with one-half cup blueberries and a little honey.
Water or diet soda.
Lunch is often something you eat at work or school, so here is an idea for a portable lunch you can pack and take with you:
A sandwich made with two slices of 100-percent whole grain bread, two or three ounces of lean turkey breast, a little mayonnaise or mustard, a tomato slice and lettuce.
One-half to one cup raw baby carrots<./li>
One can or bottle of sparkling water.
Or if you eat at a restaurant:
Order a vegetable salad with the dressing served on the side.
A cup of soup.
A mid-afternoon snack is also optional. Keep it low in calories and eat just enough to keep you from feeling too hungry - dinner is just a couple of hours away.
One apple or one pluot and 12 walnuts.
A glass of milk.
Dinner is a time when it's easy to over-eat, especially if you haven't eaten much during the day, so watch your portion sizes. Mentally divide your plate into four quarters. One quarter is for your meat or protein source, one quarter is for a starch and the last two quarters are for green and colorful vegetables and/or a green salad:
One serving of baked or roasted chicken breast.
One small baked potato with salsa or low-fat sour cream.
Large portion of steamed asparagus.
One small 100-percent whole grain roll.
Small glass of white wine (optional - regular or dealcoholized wine.
A light complex carbohydrate-rich evening snack may help you sleep, but avoid heavy, greasy foods or foods high in refined sugars.
Six whole grain crackers.
Two ounces of sliced cheese.
One piece of fresh fruit.
Here you have the 4 secret rules to Lose weight eating,feel free share your ideas and to post your comments.

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Lose 48 Pounds In 1 One Month Without Doing a Single Minute of Exercise

Can You Really Lose 48 Pounds In 1 One Month Without Doing a Single Minute of Workouts?

Introducing The Beverly Hills Diet

There's nothing like another fast weight loss-fad diet combining severe calorie-restriction, fast weight loss, and the cachet of Hollywood to make otherwise smart folks gamble with their health. While the Beverly Hills Diet can be a very effective detoxification tool, it shouldn't be considered  a safe way to shed pounds.
The Beverly Hills Diet is a weight loss regimen created  by author Judy Mazel (1943–2007) in her 1981 bestseller, The Beverly Hills Diet. The six-week long program, which begins with 10 days of fruit consupmtion exclusively, has been the target of criticism from the medical community.
Judy Mazel has always been a victim of weight problems  since her early age. No doctor has been able to make her lose weight. For 20 years, she struggled with her weight  and finally being told by a doctor that  it was meant to be and stay big.
Six months after the event, during a ski holiday, she broke her leg. During her convalescence, she began to read a book on nutrition lent by a friend. and based on the reading and knowledge she acquired  she began  to implement a weight loss plan.. Under her program, she was able to trim down from a weight of 180 pounds (82 kg) to 108 pounds (49 kg), . After completing development of the program and returning to Los Angeles, she opened a weight-loss clinic whose clients included a number of Hollywood celebrities.
The Beverly Hills Diet is is very restrictive and provides less than 1000 calories per day This is a regimen that lasts six weeks and begins with 10 days of exclusive consumption of fruits. Recommended fruits are those who have a reputation for burning fat fand are rather exotic .
The diet is predicated on the enzymatic actions of foods in the digestive process, and controlled weight by controlling when foods were eaten and in what combinations. The plan begins with the consumption of a series of specified fruits in a designated order for the initial ten days of the program. On Days 11 to 18, the dieter can add bread, two tablespoons of butter and three cobs of corn. Sources of complete protein, such as steak or lobster, cannot be consumed until Day 19 of the plan.
In nutshell The Beverly Hills diet is based on a theory that the body needs the enzymes found in certain foods in order to digest the food properly. The author believes that when food isn’t digested, it turns to body fat. A strange belief because the body cannot metabolize the food until it has first been digested!

The Beverely Hills Diets is it  safe?

It is quite normal to ask this question because the Beverly Hills diet is not without deleterious effects.
In 1981, an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association criticized the diet, noting significant inaccuracies that could result in physical harm to those following the regimen. The report, written by Dr. Gabe Mirkin of the University of Maryland, College Park and Dr. Ronald Shore of Johns Hopkins University, pointed out that there was no evidence supporting the scientific validity of the program and that it stood in opposition to established knowledge in the medical profession about nutrition, calling it "the latest, and perhaps the worst, entry in the diet-fad derby".The doctors were critical of the diet's claim that weight gain results from undigested food that is stuck in the body. The article expressed concerns about the combination of large amounts of fruit with little salt, noting that significant water loss from diarrhea could produce fever, muscle weakness, and a rapid pulse, and that blood pressure could drop low enough to cause DEATH!
Final Words :
The Beverly Hills diet Plan is no doubt an effective detoxification tool, and can help you shed some pounds in a short period of time,but in the long run you should absolutely avoid such a restrictive fast weight loss plan because of the serious health complications that can lead to. 
This type of  fast weight loss diet or derived versions such as grapefruit or pineapple diet can lead to eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. These include adolescents who may be influenced by many American celebrities who adopt and advocate extreme thinness through Pro Ana attitude . 
Terms Of Search :
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What is The Connection Between Sleep and Weight Gain?

What is The Link Between Sleep and Weight Gain?

Link between Sleep and Weight Gain
Getting seven to eight solid hours of sleep each night may seem an almost luxury to many  of us. But not getting enough sleep is known to play a major role in mental disorders and increase the risk for heart disease, among other ill effects. Accumulating evidence also suggests that even short-term, partial sleep deprivation could lead to weight gain and other undesirable metabolic consequences.
A new commentary from researchers at Laval University, Quebec, reveals just how big of an effect sleep has on weight -- and weight gain -- and goes into what research shows the link between the two.
"The solution is not as simple as 'eat less, move more, sleep more,'" the researchers wrote in the commentary, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. "However, an accumulating body of evidence suggests that sleeping habits should not be overlooked when prescribing a weight-loss plan to a patient suffering from overweight or obesity."
In one of the studies cited in the commentary, study participants decreased the amount of calories they consumed for two weeks, and got either 5.5 hours of sleep a night, or 8.5 hours of sleep a night. By the end of the study period, the ones who got 5.5 hours of sleep a night lost less body fat than those who got 8.5 hours.
In another  study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers had a group of men sleep for 12 hours a night but didn’t allow them to sleep the next night, and then had them eat an opulent buffet the following morning. Then the researchers measured the subjects’ energy expenditure—the calories you burn just by being. When the men were sleep-deprived, their general energy expenditure was 5% less than it was when they got a good night’s sleep, and their post-meal energy expenditure was 20% less.
And in another research presented at the American Heart Association’s 2011 Scientific Sessions, it was shown that women who got only 4 hours of sleep at night ate 329 additional calories the next morning than they did after they slept nine hours. (Men ate 263 calories more.) In another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 11 volunteers spent 14 days at a sleep center on two occasions. During one period, they slept 5.5 hours a night, and during the other, they slept 8.5 hours. When the subjects were sleep-deprived, they increased their nighttime snacking and were more likely to choose high-carbohydrate snacks.
This is probably the biggest revelation about the connection between sleep and weight loss—and the biggest challenge for you if you’re not getting at least seven solid hours of sleep each night. Sleeping too little affect your hormone levels in ways that can undermine the efforts of even the most determined dieter. That’s because insufficient sleep increase the levels of ghrelin, the hormone that tells you to eat. When it comes to weight gain and loss, this hormone plays the most important role.

Of course, getting more sleep can be difficult, especially with perpetually lit indoor environments and the glow of screens confusing our circadian rhythms. Demands of a modern lifestyle, excessive time in front of brightly lit computer and television screens, shift work and jet lag, among other factors, result in partial sleep deprivation. But accumulating studies, suggest that it might be an important, and relatively simple step—compared with eating well and exercising—in the battle against the bulge, and for a healthy life in general.
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Monday, April 8, 2013

10 Secret Strategies to Enhance Your Motivation and Help You Stay on Track with Your Weight Loss Goals

10 Secret Strategies to Enhance Your Motivation and Stay on Track with Your Weight Loss Goals 

Strategy 1: Remember why you have been wanting to lose weight in first place.

Recall why it was so important to you to lose pounds when you started this journey, and why you need to persevere. I don' need to remind you that If you are overweight (or obese), you are more likely to develop health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, certain types of cancer, gout (joint pain caused by excess uric acid), and gallbladder disease. Being overweight can also cause problems such as sleep apnea (interrupted breathing during sleep) and osteoarthritis (wearing away of the joints). The more overweight you are, the more likely you are to have health problems. 

 -Strategy 2 :Get your hands on an item of clothing in a smaller size that you would like to wear because you would feel totally awesome in it! It may even be something that you’ve had in your wardrobe a while and are desperate to get into. Then hang it on the door or on the outside of the wardrobe so that you see it on a daily basis. This will act as a psychological motivational reminder of what you  are eager to achieve.

-Strategy 3: Have lots of Sex. Yes it’s fun and it also keeps you on track towards your fat loss goals. You burn more calories and feel great without the nedd of eating chocolate or junk foods! It’s a fantastic strategy. The more pounds you shed, the more appealing you feel and the more enjoyment you get from sexual activity.

-Strategy 4: Stick a picture of a slimmer you on the refrigerator or find a picture that represents a slimmer version of you to put on the refrigerator door or cupboard door. This will keep you focussed on what you are aiming to achieve and stop you from having that forbidden snack or mindlessly eating that unhealthy food that may be lurking in that cupboard.

-Strategy 5: Write down your progress. Keep a journal and monitor your success.Compare yourself now to where you were before you started losing weight. How much weight have you lost? How much better do your clothes fit you? How has your energy level and health improved? What can you do now that you couldn’t do before?. Keeping a journal in this way will help you to maintain your focus and motivation towards a slimmer you. You can revisit it and celebrate your success at any time to remind yourself how amazing you are.

-Strategy 6: Did you know you are more likely to stick to your exercise program if you are listening to your favorite music, that according to a study that was recently made of Obesity by the North American Association. Get on to I-tunes and select some high energy tunes to boost your motivation while you are exercising. Create your ideal play list and off you go.

-Strategy 7: Get a dog or borrow one! Dogs need walking and walking is a great way for you to lose weight. It means that whatever the weather, you have to get up off the couch and take the dog out for a stroll. Perfect strategy to help you shed pounds!

-Strategy 8: Buddy up with friends, a spouse or family members who are trying to lose weight.Become a regular at group exercise classes. It’s a great way to make friends when you become a regular at a class. Plus being part of a group gives you a support network and will They will give you a sense of camaraderie and encouragement as you strive for your goal, and you can turn to them for support when you need it,they will inspire you to keep coming back as well. It’s a great feeling to be welcomed back every week, where people know your name.

-Strategy 9-Try the “shopping bag Stretegy.” : Too Often, people don’t realize how much weight actually weighs. Sounds crazy, but when people tell me they’ve lost “only” 25 pounds, I ask them to fill a couple of shopping bags with 25 pounds of books and carry them up and down the stairs a few times. Everyone is always happy to put the bags down and report that they had absolutely no idea how heavy 25 pounds really is.

-Strategy 10: If you go to the gym, make sure you have a program designed for you, specific for your goals and outcomes. Stick to the program and after 4 to 6 weeks book in for a program update. This is crucial because it stops your body reaching a plateau and it also will give your motivation a boost with a new and exciting routine to enjoy.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

How Can You Set an Ideal Weight Loss Goal Scientifically?

How to set the Ideal weight loss goals based on Body Fat Percentage Rather than BMI?

What is Body Fat Percentage ?

The body fat percentage is the total weight of fat divided by total weight; body fat includes essential body fat and storage body fat. Essential body fat  means the minimal amount of fat required for survival - Anything less than this amount would mostly likely result in organ failure, but even approaching this amount of body fat is dangerous.. The percentage of essential body fat for women is greater than that for men, due to the demands of childbearing and other hormonal functions. The percentage of essential fat is 3–5% in men, and 10-16% in women
Why Should you avoid relying Only on BMI?
The Majority of people when they start their weight loss journey tend to focus  on a  weight Goal,they concentrate on getting to this goal and don't figure out that the body composition is much more important!
Your body fat percentage is a better and much more reliable indicator of your health.  There are different recommendations for body fat percentage levels, the following is coming from The American Council on Exercise.

To illustrate why Body Fat Percentage is more reliable than BMI (Body Mass Index) let's consider the Following Two Examples:
-Example 1- a Fat Skinny Woman: Emma
Let Say Emma weighs 155 Pounds and 5.5 feet tall.   Her BMI of 24.4 tells us that Emma is in a normal weight range.  However her percentage of Body fat  is 33%.  This shows That Emma is actually at the risk Zone.  She Has too much fat compared with lean mass on Her body and so She is actually at risk even though BMI tells us  she is in a normal weight  range!!

-Example 2 : in this case we will take John, a Bodybuilder that weighs 253,5 Pounds and 6,33 Feet tall,Of course this weight is muscle. John's BMI would tell us that he is obese!! and yet when he does his body fat percentage testing he has a percentage of 8%.  This actually means That John is in the athlete class and not at all obese!

The Question Now is How to Determine your ideal weight loss Goal based on Body Fat Percentage?

lets consider an illustrative example:
Sarah  is a 19-year old  marathon runner who’s training for the olympic games. She believes she could improve her performance if she drop down some pounds. Sarah  is 5 feet and 4 inches tall and now weighs 135 pounds. Her present estimated body fat is 23 percent. Her body fat goal is 15 percent.

Here’s how she would calculate her optimal weight:

135 (current weight) x 23 percent (current % body fat) = 31 pounds of fat
135 (current weight) - 31 (weight that’s fat) = 104 pounds of lean
FFM (fat-free mass) goal = 85 percent (difference between body fat goal and total body)
104 (current pounds of FFM) ÷ 85 percent = 122 (Emily’s Ideal Goal weight)
Sandra's weight-loss Ideal goal is to reach 122 pounds and reduce her percent body fat from 23 percent to 15 percent.
Here is the Scientific Formula to calculate goal weight based on percentage of body fat

Goal Weight = (Lean Body Mass)/(1-% Body Fat Goal)
Lean Body Mass = (Body Weight)-(Body Weight x % Body Fat)

The key is to remember when setting realistic weight loss goals to focuse on body fat percentage rather than total mass,it's much better and healthier indicator, The other reason is that muscle weighs more than fat and of course when you build more musle bulk you will notice a gain on the scales which is actually not bad at all because it simply means your body fat percentage has dropped and you are healthier and  sexier!
Summer is just around the corner,Folks Let's Drop Some Pounds Fast ;)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Are You Really Burning Fat Effectively

Are You Really Burning Fat Effectively?

when it comes to burning fat, In general, Most People will practice cardiovascular activities and sadly neglect weight bearing exercises . Many trainers will claim that aerobic workouts burn off fat and the only benefit of weightlifting is to build muscle bulk. This statement is not entirely right because gaining more muscle mass-through wight lifting exercises- is a surefire way to activate metabolism ,burn more fat calories...even at rest!
-According to a recent study, the number of people lifting free weights has increased 76 percent in the past decade. Right now, weight lifting is among the most popular sports in United States. This is a step in the right direction because cardiovascular activities combined with weight bearing workouts will result in much more effective Fat loss.
-Whether your goal is to tone or build muscles, it is very important to figure out what happens during the muscle training session. When lifting weights, muscle tissues are torn apart (at the microscopic level) from the stress, and it's in the recuperation period that your muscles become stronger and therefore able to support the extra stress.
 -Usually the recuperation period requires  24 to 48 hours after the weight lifting activity.
During the recuperation period, the muscle metabolism is still burning energy, and that's when it's time to perform cardio workouts. Carrying out high repetitions of the same movement will tire the body on a different basis.
-Combining low repetition exercises (weight lifting) with high repetition cardiovascular exercise will stress muscles in a complementary way to maximize the total fat burning effect.
-Anyone who debates the fact that weight lifting activities don't help people burn more fat and shed pounds should lift weights for one hour and see their heart rate go through the roof.
Simply look at athletes who specialize in short, intense bursts of energy and you still notice that their body incredibly lacks body fat.
-The point here is to combine a weight lifting routine with a good cardiovascular workout to increase muscle metabolism and total fat burning ratio.An important factor to consider when trying slimming down is that lots of muscle mass can be lost as a result. As muscle mass will keep your metabolism high, try to avoid fast weight loss through starvation or "miracle" diet pills. This weight loss will be regained just as quickly. Instead, opt for a progressive fat loss routine by combining a balanced diet,weight training ,cardiovascular activities, and allow muscle mass to build up and increase your metabolism. Results may take a while , but they will for sure last for a longer period of time.
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Friday, April 5, 2013

What Are The Common Health Consequences of Overweight And Obesity?

What are the common health consequences and the Major risks of overweight and obesity?

 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "the fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and those expended."
The obesity epidemic invading the world is due, according to the same organization,to  both " Changes in dietary in the world" (greater consumption of high-calorie foods rich in fat and sugar ) and lack of physical exercise.

Overweight & Obesity: What is the difference?

According to the The organization  Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.
Body mass index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters (kg/m2).
The WHO definition is:
a BMI greater than or equal to 25 is overweight
a BMI greater than or equal to 30 is obesity.
BMI provides the most useful population-level measure of overweight and obesity as it is the same for both sexes and for all ages of adults. However, it should be considered a rough guide because it may not correspond to the same degree of fatness in different individuals.

So What are The Negative Effects of overweight & Obesity on Your Health and Life?

Raised BMI is a major risk factor for noncommunicable diseases such as:

-Cancers: A postmenopausal woman doubles her risk for breast cancer if she gained as little as 20 pounds before menopause. Almost half of all breast cancer cases occur among obese women. The endometrial cancer risk among postmenopausal women also increases with weight gain, and being overweight increases the chances by one and a half times that a woman will DIE from her cancer.

-Diabetes: Nearly 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are obese. This disease is particularly linked to weight gain after the age of 18. Even overweight children are getting the kind of diabetes that used to be associated only with overweight adults.

Losing as little as 10 pounds can reduce your risk by 30 percent. And for those who already have type 2 diabetes, reducing body weight by as little as 5 percent can significantly improve blood glucose levels. Weight loss may also improve insulin sensitivity, which means that cells respond more efficiently to insulin.

-Gallbladder disease: The incidence of gallstones soars as a person's body weight increases. A middle-aged woman who is more than 40 percent over her ideal body weight has a 33 percent greater chance of having gallstones than a lean woman of the same age.

-cardiovascular diseases: (mainly heart disease and stroke), which were the leading cause of death in 2012;Nearly 70 percent of the diagnosed cases of heart disease are related to obesity. A weight gain of 20 pounds doubles your risk of heart disease. Fortunately, though, reducing your weight by only 5 to 10 percent increases your HDL levels while reducing LDL and triglyceride levels. 

-Hypertension (high blood pressure): Being obese more than doubles your chances of developing high blood pressure. Statistics show that approximately 70 percent of obese American men and women have high blood pressure.

-Respiratory problems: Respiratory complications, such as sleep apnea, are linked to obesity. Losing 10 to 15 percent of body weight can cure apnea.

-Osteoarthritis: Being overweight or obese increases your risk for getting this painful disease, causing the bone and cartilage in your joints to degenerate. One study reported that a weight gain of 9 to 13 pounds increased the pain in the knees of arthritis sufferers. On the flip side, losing the same amount decreases the odds of getting arthritis by 50 percent.

-Psychological and social effects: Overweight and obese folks often face discrimination at work and in social settings. Feelings of rejection, shame, or depression aren't uncommon. Also, American society equates thinness with attractiveness.

Childhood obesity is associated with a higher chance of obesity, premature death and disability in adulthood. But in addition to increased future risks, obese children experience breathing difficulties, increased risk of fractures, hypertension, early markers of cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and psychological effects.

-Several cities in the United States, where obesity rages, have recently taken Action:
Los Angeles banned the opening of new fast food in poor neighborhoods, and New York has banned the use of trans fats in restaurants. New York authorities also forced fast food - 10% of restaurants in the city - to display the calories contained in the Junk they serve.
-It's not a secret that the key to avoid such serious health complications is to adapt a healthy life style relying on a complete weight loss Program that combines healthy balanced diets,suitable exercising and eventually supplemented with a powerful and natural fat burner to speed up the weight loss process.

Terms of Search :

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why Dr Oz Is So Excited About Raspberry Ketones "The Miracle Fat Burner in a Bottle"?

Can Raspberry Ketones Plus Help You Lose More Weight?

 What makes the Raspberry Ketones Plus diet different from others?

On the run up to summer many of us are already thinking about getting into that bikini, or if not that adventurous, that little summer dress.  But if you are like many, you are already dreading a diet of restrictive foods.  Some of us would immediately reach for salads or fruit but there are now products on the market that have sourced the benefits of some fruits, raspberries in particular.  These products contain Raspberry Ketones.

What Are Raspberry Ketones?

Certain ketones are found in raspberries that have the ability to reduce fat.  Raspberry Ketones can target fat and encourage the body to use that fat as a source of energy.
Raspberry Ketones have been said to be more effective at reducing fat stores than capsicum.  Many people use capsicum for weight loss but it can cause problems such as heartburn due to its spicy nature.  You also need a lot of capsicum in order to see results.  While it is true that you also need a significant amount of Raspberry Ketones to see such great results, it is certainly much more pleasant to eat raspberries than hot peppers!
Raspberry Ketones give raspberries their fruity flavor but they have also been shown to release hormones that are crucial in the metabolism of fats.  Another reason that many people like using Raspberry Ketones is because they have been shown to increase energy levels.  While you may not have as much energy as you would have after using a caffeinated product, Raspberry Ketones can help to keep your energy levels elevated throughout the day instead of causing a crash.

How Do Raspberry Ketones Work?

Raspberry Ketones slice open the cells in the body and releases fat that was previously stored into the bloodstream. This fat is then burned off immediately causing fat to be removed from the body. Raspberry Ketones also prevent the liver from absorbing fat consumed through diet. This means that Raspberry Ketones prevent the body from absorbing fat, while simultaneously removing it.
In essence, raspberry ketone will aid in weight loss through two different ways.

Raspberry Ketones Side Effects

Using Raspberry Ketones has not been shown to cause adverse side effects.  Unlike many ingredients that increase energy levels, Raspberry Ketones do not cause side effects like headaches, nervousness, and jitteriness so it is one of the most desirable ingredients that is included in diet pills.  Raspberry ketone is a safe substance with no known side effects or potential health risks.

 Raspberry Ketones Conclusion

Raspberry Ketones are an excellent addition to a diet pill.  They do not completely protect against a high fat diet but when they are used in conjunction with other clinically proven diet pill ingredients you may notice a significant drop in weight.  All that is left then is for you to pick the best product available on the market – why wait!!!

Click Here to Get Raspberry Ketones Free Trial Bottle

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Cholesterol is it Really Bad for your health?

Cholesterol is it Really Bad for your health?

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance found in every cell of the body. It contributes to the  maintenance of the nervous system, skin, muscle, liver, intestines and heart.
The word "cholesterol" refers either to cholesterol in the body (blood cholesterol) or that present in food (dietary cholesterol).
Where does cholesterol come from?
If you're like most people, you probably think that the cholesterol in your blood comes from food. In fact, dietary cholesterol has little impact on your blood cholesterol levels. The majority of cholesterol is produced naturally by your liver and the rest is extracted from alimentation and absorbed by your body .
Dietary cholesterol is found in animal source foods such as dairy products, egg yolks, poultry, red meat and certain types of shellfish,plant-derived foods, such as cereals, fruits and vegetables, may contain trace amounts of dietary cholesterol.
Dietary cholesterol does not increase the risk of heart disease:
Dietary cholesterol is the least understood type of cholesterol . Some people limit their consumption of eggs and other foods that contain dietary cholesterol because they are afraid to raise their blood cholesterol levels. Extensive studies have shown that dietary cholesterol has little effect on blood cholesterol in adults health!
Experts agree that the cholesterol that comes from the food you eat does not increase the risk of Heart diseases

Did you know?

Your body performs a very complicated stabilization process to keep your cholesterol at a healthy rate. If you eat foods rich in cholesterol, your body naturally compensates by reducing the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver.
If your diet does not provide you with a lot of cholesterol, your liver will certainly increase its production to meet the needs of your body.

Cholesterol is it Bad for your health?

-Cholesterol should not be considered as a real health concern if you maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels. However, too much cholesterol in the bloodstream has been linked to serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

What are the causes of high cholesterol?

Many factors can affect your blood cholesterol levels. You can change some factors, while others are out of your control. Your family history, your age and even your sex can put you at risk of high cholesterol, and these factors can not be changed. However, your diet and your level of physical activity are factors that can be changed.

Did you know?

Extensive long-term study showed that people who ate five or more eggs per week had a lower risk of heart disease than those who ate less than one egg a week.
Types of blood cholesterol

Types of Cholesterol

There are two main types of cholesterol; these are what they termed as the good and bad cholesterol. Like the literary split personality of Jekyll and Hyde, it has a good side because it is needed for certain important body functions. But for many people, cholesterol also has an evil side. When present in excessive amounts, it can injure blood vessels, cause heart attacks, and stroke.
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is the "bad" cholesterol. This is the form in which cholesterol is carried into the blood and is the main cause of harmful fatty buildup in arteries. The higher the LDL cholesterol levels in the blood, the greater the heart disease risk.
On the other hand, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is the “good” cholesterol. This "good" cholesterol carries blood cholesterol back to the liver, where it can be eliminated. HDL helps prevent a cholesterol buildup in blood vessels. Low HDL levels increase heart disease risk.
So before you go into your cholesterol deprivation program, remember that cholesterol is essential for human life. It builds and repairs cells, it is used to produce sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone, it is converted to bile acids to help you digest food and it is found in large amounts in brain and nerve tissue.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Top 4 Ways to Avoid Boredom at the Gym

           Top 4 Ways to Avoid Boredom at the Gym

The simple fact is, that no matter how much you enjoy exercising or working out, boredom can set in with you keep repeating the same exercise routine. The problem is that this boredom will lead you to lose motivation, that dip in motivation will cause your performance to drop and you will stop getting any significant results. So in order to stay on track with your fitness goals, you must create variety within your exercise regime. Get a program update every 4 to 6 weeks and that way you will avoid those nasty feelings of boredom, maintain your motivation and prevent any potential weight loss plateau.
1. Swap the Treadmill for the Cross Trainer. Although running is a great exercise and burns lots of calories, it can be quite hard going on your joints as clock up the miles on the treadmill at the gym. Plus because you are stationary on a machine, the same scenery week in, week out can get pretty boring. So mix it up and swap your run for a session on the cross trainer which like the treadmill, provides you with a fantastic cardio vascular work out while protecting those important knee and ankle joints. It’s also a useful piece of kit to use when the winter weather sets in and rather than exercising outside, you can burn those calories indoors instead.
2. Yoga is a popular form of exercise that has plenty of benefits for your health including, improving your balance, muscle tone and strength as well as your flexibility. If you are getting bored of the same poses and routines within your existing yoga class, then why not try another style of yoga? Book yourself in for one of the following, Ashtanga Yoga, Hot Yoga or Bikram Yoga because these style of yoga classes are more challenging. This will allow you to take yourself to the next level and renew your motivation at the same time.
3. Getting in shape or losing some pounds isn't difficult to achieve when you include some strength training within your fitness regime. Typical this would require that you use the weights or resistance machines in the gym which can end up being a fairly monotonous part of your program. So give TRX a go. It’s the hottest new thing in most gyms at the moment. TRX suspension machines will assist you to work your whole body, toning up the muscles by using your body weight and gravity. It’s a great way to avoid boredom and shape up.
4. Cycling is another great way to improve your cardio vascular fitness, however it can be boring using the stationary cycles in the gym to get this benefit. So swap the stationary cycle for a Spinning class and give your motivation a boost while efficiently burning more fat. Spinning is  fun, exercising with other people is motivating and being part of a class lead by an instructor is inspiring. Spinning classes are usually 45 minutes to 60 minutes long and you can expect to burn significantly more calories than if you were working out on your own.
These are my Top 4 Ways to Avoid Boredom at the Gym.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Ten Things To Avoid When Trying To Lose Weight

Dieting may not be always an easy task. In fact, it can prove a tough challenge for many people. So here’s a small guide to avoiding things that could make you lose control and start quitting. Make sure you Avoid them like plague if you want to succeed.

1. Don’t rush into the toughest diet you can find.

This is a common mistake. A lot of people decide in a moment of desperation to follow a super-strict diet and-of course miserably- fail. Don’t rush into a regimen that may be too strict for you. If you don’t have any dieting experience and are not 100% sure you can stick with the diet, then choose something else more suitable.

2. Don’t lose touch with reality.

You can’t realistically expect things to happen overnight. When choosing your goal, start small, but be   ready to go far. If you hear someone claiming that he lost too much pounds in a short period of time, don’t make it your goal to match his performance. Because -Obviously-Diet results are different from one person to another.

3. Don’t go to the gym too often

Another common mistake is to use the enthusiasm of the first days to hit the gym every day. This won’t help you at all. Your body needs time to heal and expand the muscle mass after each training session and going to the gym on a daily basis interferes with this natural process. Besides, a week of non-stop training
could never offset ten or twenty years of a sedantery lifestyle.

4. Don’t get hard on calories.

We all know that cutting down on calories is one of the corner stones of all diets, but you must be careful about it. Cut down on too many calories and your body will start storing anything it possibly can, recent data showed that the body does not respond to diets as physicians thought it should. The body has to adapt to changes and diets are seen as lean periods that should be offset by making fat harder to burn, our body cannot discern between actual lean times and diets.This is absolutely a bad way to lose pounds!

5. Don’t skip meals.

Some people think that skipping one or two meals could help them slim down faster. They don’t understand that dieting is all about eating the right food and not starving yourself.

6. Don’t check the bathroom scales every day.

Everyone is eager to check out  the confirmation of his or her efforts in the shape of lost pounds, but you should not let this drive you to checking your weight every day. The daily fluctuations of your weight will soon have you depressed and ready to quit dieting. And this is a bad habit  you absouletely have to get rid of.

7. Don’t let emotions drive you.

Besides the eagerness that drives people to check their weight every day, there are other emotions that influence dieting. If you know you’re used to reaching out for ice-cream or snacks when you are bored, frustrated or angry -as a way of rewarding yourself-, then you should deal with these issues and not allow them to come between you and your purpose.
Here are some ideas that will help you reward yourself for accomplishing your smart weight loss goals:
Take one full day just for yourself to do whatever your little heart desire,get a manicure and pedicure,go get a new hairdo, facial, and massage,go shopping at your favorite stores,go out to eat at your favorite restaurant,take a bubble bath,if you have a house full of noise, book yourself a room at a quiet resort or bed and breakfast,buy a book or two that has been on your wish list,Order in your favorite type of food,Indulge in a weekend getaway to a refreshing destination,buy an outfit that makes you look and feel fabulous,go skydiving, whitewater rafting, or take a ride in a hot air balloon,by a new purse, lingerie, or espresso machine,go to a movie,call your favorite friend and make a date to go out on the town,grab your mate and go to dinner and dance the night away.

8. Don’t refuse to seek help.

Not everyone was born with iron will and nerves of steel. If you need advice or help, don’t hesitate to ask it from your friends or from professionals (Such as the America's Toughest Trainer : Jillian Micheals). Don’t try to solve all problems by yourself.

9. Don’t deny yourself your favorite foods.

Treats are a great way of raising your willpower and determination. Diets are just food control methods, not prisons. So what if you eat something forbidden once in a while, especially if that food is a favourite of yours? If such treats are not frequent, then they will make no difference in the long run.

10. Don’t rely on your willpower alone

Use your head as well. If you wish to know how much you eat, then write everything down and analyze the list for things that should not be there. Sometimes hunger creeps up on you and make you eat something you shouldn’t. Be honest with yourself and keep a clear head.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Can You Really Achieve a Permanent Weightloss With Fad Diets?

Fad Diets : Can you Really Realy on Fad Diets to Achieve a Permanent Weight Loss?

This is yet another common myth among the weight loss crowd. Fad diets function mainly by restricting calories.When calories are limited, weight loss occurs, which is the first and foremost advantage of following such a plan. To name any further advantages would be false reporting. And Like any other diet that tells you to cut this or that food from your daily meals, fad diets are not a good healthy choice for you.  A landmark study on dieting and weight loss has found that the calories-in versus calories-out equation is the single most important bit of math in weight control. Not counting carbs or restricting fat – just moderate eating and exercise, plain and simple.
The study, just published in the New England Journal of Medicine, compared four diets modeled after popular eating plans like Atkins and the Mediterranean Prescription. All participants exercised several times a week for a total of 90 minutes, and at the end of six months, subjects on every diet lost an average of 13 pounds. There wasn’t a significant difference in weight loss between the four groups, and the only constant was that they had eliminated 750 calories from their daily consumption.
This is “the largest-ever controlled study of weight-loss methods” according to The New York Times. And it says exactly the opposite of what we’ve been hearing from nutrition activists: It’s not what you eat but how much you eat of it.
The cornerstone of any diet is supplying the body with all the calories, proteins and minerals it needs. Diets that cut out foods without regard for the needs of your body cannot be healthy for you. Fad diets fail to deliver on the promise of permanent weight loss because people will always crave the forbidden foods and will always end up breaking the rules and ditching the diet.
The key to making weight loss permanent is more exercise and to avoid eating food that makes you fat without nourishing your body. The extensive studies confirmed the importance of exercising and of a well-balanced diet.

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Friday, March 29, 2013

4 Quick Tips To Drop Weight For Spring Break!

   Four Quick Tips For Getting In Shape For Spring

As the winter months have progressed, if you're like most folks you've gained few more pounds than you'd care to admit.  It's not difficult to let our good manners slide during the colder season as we're turning to warm foods for comfort and can easily hide any excess weight gain under layers of clothing.
But as spring draws near, if the thought of donning a pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt is making you feel slightly anxious, don't dwell on the fact that you've gained some pounds, but instead take action and start doing something to melt the fat so you can look your best yet.
4 Quick ways to lose weight for spring break
With the following four quick tips, you can easily get in top shape by spring and be fully ready to shed those winter layers and uncover a body you're proud of.

Tip 1 :Be 'Everyday' More Active 

The very first thing that you should be doing to get yourself into shape quickly is to start trying to be more active on a daily basis.  Think exercise away from the gym.  Remember, you don't necessarily have to be running on the treadmill or working away on the elliptical machine to burn calories.
Every movement you do throughout the 24 hours will be helping you burn off calories and this will really add up over time.  Many individuals are often surprised to hear that their daily activities can in fact burn more fat than their gym workouts.
So go window shopping with a friend rather than going for coffee or get out and do some yard work rather than sitting inside watching another re-run.  If you can find little ways to get more active every day, it will pay off in pounds lost over the course of the month.

Tip 2 : Commit To Strength Training Routine

Second, if you want to get a shapely body, there's no better way to do this than performing a strength training routine.  Strength training is going to help you improve your body shape, add more muscle definition,increase muscle strenght, also helps to maintain peak bone mass and avoid the onset of osteoporosis and thus improve the bone health. and more importantly, boost your metabolic rate:Muscle tissue is metabolically active and the more of it you have the more calories you will burn - even at rest! Making losing and maintaining a healthy weight much easier.

Tip 3 :Lower Your Stress Levels 

Next: Lowering the stress level is often gets overlooked in the fat loss equation .  Stress is something that may have a very negative impact on body fat loss progress because it's going to increase a hormone called cortisol in the body and this will actually lead to stomach fat accumulation. Cortisol will also increase the risk that you begin breaking down your muscle tissue, and it's that muscle that's responsible for maintaining that elevated metabolic rate.
A recent research article published in the "American Journal of Epidemiology" studied whether various types and levels of psychosocial stressors were associated with an increase in body mass index (BMI) among adult men and women. Researchers found that stress related to work, personal relationships and finances (controlling for other factors) were independently associated with weight gain. A June 2006 article featured in "The International Journal of Obesity" examined if work stress induced weight loss in lean individuals and weight gain in overweight individuals (more than 5,500 male British civil servants). The leanest individuals at baseline (BMI less than 22 kg/m2) with high job stress and low job control lost weight by follow-up, while the heaviest individuals at baseline (BMI greater than 27 kg/m2) gained weight at follow-up. This supports the theory that those already overweight are more susceptible to stress-induced weight gain.
Whether it's taking a hot bath, reading a good Magazine, or participating in a karaté class, You must do something to get your stress levels under control.

Tip 4 : Up Your Vegetables & fruits Intake 

High levels of fruits, vegetables, greens and beans help you lose weight because they are low in calories, high in volume and high in critically important nutrients. On a very practical level they fill you up, without loading you up with fat and calories. And when your stomach is filled up with high volume, low calorie food, there is less room for other bad stuff.  Fill your plate up with half vegetables at each meal and watch the results take place.
So there you have four quick tips to get in shape for spring. If you start now, you will never be able to tell that you were once hiding those extra pounds under your winter layers.

Tags :
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